was an LDS church member in California; accused in the 1960s of sexual abuse; convicted of vagrancy in 1966 and served 10 days in jail; in 1967, placed in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) "perversion files"

Case report

02/23/67 California

LDS Joel Elisia Houck Jr. “June 27th 1 966 served 10 days for vagrancy when a small
child accused him of section 288. P (lewd and lascivious acts with a child under age 4).
February 21st, 1967 Picked up by police… for 288 P Placed on BSA confidential files Feb
23rd, 1967.

Case facts

Case information sources

  1. Joel Elisla Houck Jr - Perversion Files - LA Times
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