was a Mormon church member and scout leader; accused of sexually abusing multiple children

Case report

06/01/82 California

LDS William Knox “John Doe 1 , 2, & 3 are brothers who allege that they were sexually
molested from 1 977 to 1 987 by William “Bill” E. Knox, their stepfather and leader of LDS
boy scout troop. In 1982 the plaintiffs began to repeatedly inform the Mormon Church and
the Boy Scouts that Knox was sexually abusing them. The LDS church failed to report and
failed to protect children and they continued to be abused for five more years by Knox.”

from judyrecords:

Opinion of the California Court of Appeal
Boy Scouts of America National Foundation v. Superior Court



Real parties in interest John Doe 1, John Doe 2, and John Doe 3 are brothers who allege that they were sexually molested from 1977 to 1987 by William Bill E. Knox, their stepfather and a leader of their church Boy Scout troop. In 2009, at ages 43, 42 and 39, respectively, they filed an action against Knox and the Mormon Church, as well as the Boy Scouts of America National Foundation and the Pacific Skyline Council, Boy Scouts of America (hereafter, collectively the Boy Scouts) in which they alleged that the Boy Scouts were liable under various tort theories for the psychological injuries they suffered as adults due to childhood sexual abuse.

Case facts

Case information sources

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  3. source 3
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Case information source details

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