was an LDS church member and dentist in West Valley City, Utah; accused of sexual misconduct, prescribing medications for a drug addict for sex

Case report

Kelly A. Mangrum was a mormon and dentist in West Valley, Utah.  Mangrum was accused of over prescribing medications and sexual misconduct. Kelly allegedly required a patient to come after hours to his dental practice and groped her and invited her to go to Park City with him to discuss her drug addiction and attempted to have sex with her.  Inventory showed missing medications such as Xanex and Hypen.  Mangrum also prescribed Ritalin for a patient for a non-dental condition.  It was also alleged that Mangrum was sexually inappropriate with staff member, who also was a patient of Mangrum. D.O.P.L. was investigating as of 04-06-1990

01-14-1991 DOPL revokes Mangrums controlled substance license for 1 year.  He was able to reapply after 1 year.

02-29-2024 Has active License Type:

Dentist Controlled Substance

License Type: Dentist – Local Anesthesia Permit

License Status: Superceded X DENTIST – ANESTHESIA CLASS B -OBSLT

Case facts

Case photos

Case information sources

  1. W.V. Dentist Accused of Sexual Misconduct
    view source details | 6 Apr 1990 | The Salt Lake Tribune
    view source details | 18 Jan 1991 | Deseret News
  3. Dr. Kelly Mangrum, DDS
    view source details | 28 Feb 2024 | Health Grades
  4. Licensing Panel Places Dentist on Probation
    view source details | 19 Jan 1991 | The Salt Lake Tribune
  5. Kelly A. Mangrum
    view source details | 29 Feb 2024 | DOPL
  6. Kelly A. Arthur
    view source details | 29 Feb 2024 | DOPL
  7. Kelly A. Mangrum
    view source details | 29 Feb 2024 | DOPL

Case information source details

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