was a Mormon church member in Waukesha County, Wisconsin; found guilty of two counts of 1st Degree Sexual Assault of Child and one 2nd Deg. Sex Assault-Intoxicated Victim

Case report

Christopher B. Warnock was a mormon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Warnock was extradited back to Wisconsin from Kentucky after his victims turned him into police, as adults. Our source says Warnock abused female children he was related to, we are told between the ages of 2-6 years. Except one female minor that had special needs and was non verbal for possibly up to 25 years. Floodlit has also been told multiple bishops in various wards and states were aware of the abuse, and did not report it. Warnock was convicted of two counts of 1st Degree Sexual Assault of Child and 2nd Deg. Sex Assault-Intoxicated Victim and was sentenced to 14 years for count 2 AND 4, to be served concurrent and count 6 was sentenced to 7 years and is to be served consecutively after counts 2 and 4 are served. Is currently in Oshkosh Correctional Institution, Wisconsin. Warnock’s earliest eligibility for parole 2024-05-18.

Waukesha County Case Number 2020CF001740 State of Wisconsin vs. Christopher B Warnock
Case summary

Filing date

DA case number

1 948.06(1) Incest with Child Felony C Charge Dismissed but Read In
2 948.02(1) 1st Degree Sexual Assault of Child Felony B Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
3 948.06(1) Incest with Child Felony BC Charge Dismissed but Read In
4 948.02(1) 1st Degree Sexual Assault of Child Felony B Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
5 948.06(1) Incest with Child Felony C Charge Dismissed but Read In
6 940.225(2)(cm) 2nd Deg. Sex Assault-Intoxicated Victim Felony C Guilty Due to Guilty Plea


concurrent to count # 4
14 years Imprisonment, eligible for parole after 25% of sentence is completed , pursuant to 304.06(b) of 1991 and 1992 Wisconsin Statutes (Credit 295 days)

concurrent to count #2
14 years Imprisonment, eligible for parole after 25% of sentence is completed pursuant to 304.06(b) of 1991 and 1992 Wisconsin Statutes (Credit 295 days)

Remains the same
consecutive to counts #2 and #4


Count 2:
7 Years Imprisonment (Credit – 295 days)
– 2 Years of Initial Confinement
– 5 Years of Extended Supervision

Count 4:
7 Years Imprisonment CONSECUTIVE to Count 2.
– 2 Years of Initial Confinement
– 5 Years of Extended Supervision

Count 6:
7 Years Imprisonment CONSECUTIVE to Counts 2 and 4
– 2 Years of Initial Confinement
– 5 Years of Extended Supervision

Case facts

Case photos

Case information sources

  1. Offender Profile Christopher B. Warnock
    view source details | 16 Apr 2024 | Offender Radar
  2. Christopher B. Warnock
    view source details | 13 Apr 2024 | Wisconsin Department of Corrections
  3. Case # 2020CF001740 Christopher B. Warnock
    view source details | 13 Apr 2024 | Wisconsin Court Records

Case information source details

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