Case report
Bob Erickson was a Mormon church member who was charged with three first degree felony counts of aggravated child sexual abuse in 2023. He was 91 years old at the the time of the charges.
Bob Erickson lives in Utah as of 2023.
Thanks to your donations, FLOODLIT has obtained a police probable cause affidavit in Erickson’s criminal case.
Here is an excerpt from that document, with the more graphic parts redacted by FLOODLIT:
“On December 7, 2023 in Utah County, the victim reported that when she was between the ages of 5 and 9 years old, she went to the defendant’s house before school. She said that on at least two occasions, the defendant was sitting on the couch watching a tv show and indicated that she should come and sit on his lap. The defendant then covered them up with a blanket and [redacted] (COUNT 1 and 2). The victim recalled another time when she was sitting on the defendant’s lap and he [redacted] (COUNT 3). The victim said she didn’t like it [redacted] and the defendant eventually let her go. The victim went and laid in bed and then the defendant came in, told her that he was sorry and not to tell anyone what he’d done. The defendant occupies a position of special trust with the victim.”
Case facts
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- AKA Bob Erickson
Born: 1932
- LDS mission: unknown
- Lived in: Utah,
- During alleged crime, lived in: Utah,
- When accused, lived in: Utah,
- Victims: 1 victim,
- Latest update: 2023: charged with child sexual abuse
- Add information
Case information sources
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Case information source details
Obituary of Bob Erickson's wife
Publisher: Wing Mortuary
Date: 3 Dec 2021
Source type: Website[Redacted] had a brief first marriage during which her daughter, Cathy, was born. She was introduced to Robert Lee Erickson by a mutual friend who told her not to get serious because they lived in two different worlds. [Redacted] and Bob were married August 15,1954 and continued to live in two different worlds together for 67 years. Bob adopted [child] in July 1955. Three sons were added to the family, [son 1], [son 2] and [son 3]. Bob joined the Church in 1967 and they were sealed in the Los Angeles Temple for time and eternity in July 1968.
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