FLOODLIT acknowledges the many volunteers who have helped us review information, conduct research and improve our website.

We acknowledge the research of Deborah J. Diener, whose document INSTANCES OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE ALLEGEDLY PERPETRATED BY MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS: A HISTORY – 1959-2017 lists hundreds of claims of sexual abuse by Mormons. We’ve reviewed each entry in her document and included many of them in our database.

We acknowledge the research of the Mormon Alliance dating back to 1992. We’ve added people to our database that we found by digging through their website.

We acknowledge the constructive criticism and feedback we’ve received from many people, including online forum members, both Mormon and non-Mormon.

We acknowledge the following X/Twitter users for helping us out with website feedback, activity ideas and much more:

We acknowledge the following amazing TikTok users for their tireless assistance and feedback:

We acknowledge all other people, online and offline, who have helped us in any way. You are truly appreciated.

We acknowledge the hundreds, if not thousands, of survivors who have shared their stories in countless Internet forums and websites.

Finally, we acknowledge the unknown survivors who haven’t told a soul.