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from Howe’s obit:
“He was born Sept 6, 1927 to Edward and Mildred Cuddy Howe. He was the youngest of six children. He re-ceived his Juris Doc-tor and Bachelor of Science Degrees from the U of U and served in the U.S. Coast Guard. He has been an active member of the LDS Church all of his life and served a mission in the Mid-Atlantic States. He was elected as the National President of the Young Democrats of America. He was appointed as administrative assistant to Senator Frank E. Moss and Governor Calvin L. Rampton, and he was the director of the Four Corners Regional Commission. It was then his honor to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives from the 2nd District in UT. He spent the last ten years as the Washington Representative for the National Park and Hospitality Association.”
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