FLOODLIT has found the following cases in which the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or LDS church, has settled out of court or paid settlements in response to allegations of or convictions regarding sexual abuse by LDS leaders or members.

Note: We haven’t included the $250 million that the Mormon church is reportedly going to pay as part of the BSA restructuring taking place as of 2023. Thousands of former Boy Scouts have alleged that they were sexually abused by an LDS scout leader. Source 1 | Source 2

View our full database of Mormon sexual abuse cases or our map showing events in the life of the accused.

Some of the settlement amounts below are estimates only. We have not adjusted amounts for inflation.

If you know of a case that’s not listed here, please contact us.

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Settlements offered by the LDS church to sex abuse victims:

$21,867,000 is the total amount in US dollars, not adjusted for inflation, that we estimate that the LDS church has paid out in the above listed settlements.