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05/21/90 Colorado
LDS Dan S. Overholt is married with children but was accused of abuse. He was not
registered with the BSA in 1990 but he is “associated with Pack 242. And Jeff Morris, Scout
Executive is quoted in a letter to Paul Ernst, National BSA, the Overholt “is not the type of
leader that we need.” In the files there is a “Confidential Report” on Dan S. Overholt written
by Scout Executive Jeff Morris as follows: “About May 14, 1990 1 received a phone call
from Joan Woody, District Chairman for Bent’s fort District. She had received a report from
Mimi Marmon a scouter in Las Animas that Dan S. Overholt, who was serving as den leader
in Pack 242, had a record of child abuse. 1 talked with Mrs. Marmon and decided more
information was needed. Mr. Overholt is not registered but is active in the unit. 1 contacted
District Attorney, Gus Sandstrom to see if he could provide further information. After a
computer check Gus indicated that he could not provide me all the details on Mr. Overholt
but said the Boy Scouts ‘should avoid him like a plague.’ He also thanked me for Mr.
Overholts address because he was wanted also for assault with a deadly weapon and
manacing and not that they had an address they would arrest him.”
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