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06/08/89 Texas
LDS Jimmy D. Young ” was arrested for Child Abuse and placed on the BSA confidential Files. “By his own admission to his Scoutmaster, Billy DeBusk, he did in fact sexually abuse the boy as charged.”
LDS church member Jimmy D. Young (alias James Best) from Odessa, TX. Arrested for child abuse in November 1984 and placed on the BSA Confidential Files in June 1989. “No one is pushing for a trial because he is mentally retarded. By his own admission to his Scoutmaster, Billy DeBusk, he did in fact sexually abuse the boy as charged.”
Source details
Jimmy D Young - Perversion Files
Publisher: LA Times
Date: 25 Sep 2023
Source type: Website -
view all information sources Confidential Record Sheet Registration Service BSA
Publisher: Boy Scouts Sexual Abuse
Date: 25 Sep 2023
Source type: Website
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