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Jason Brumble was an LDS church member in Oregon.
In 2015, he pleaded guilty to 10 counts of child sexual abuse. He molested multiple children.
FLOODLIT has contacted the court clerk of Jackson County, Oregon and requested access to court documents in this case.
We appreciate your donations and support as we shine a light on Mormon sex abuse cases like that of Jason Brumble.
If you have any photos of Brumble, please contact us.
Ethnicity Unknown
Date of Birth Jul 23, 1972
ID Number21118233
Custody Status Date Feb 10, 2021 05:11 PM PST
Custody StatusIn Custody
Custody Detail Oregon State Correctional Institution
Scheduled ReleaseJan 09, 2036 12:00 AM PST
Oregon State Correctional Institution
3405 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, OR 97310
Reporting Agency
Oregon Department of Corrections
3723 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Suite 200
Salem, OR 97302
Source details
Jason Brumble
Publisher: Oregon Offender Search
Date: 24 Mar 2023
Source type: News article
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