Watch videos related to sexual abuse in the Mormon Church (LDS or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
Mormon sexual abuse cases in California: 100+ examples
A Feb. 2025 episode of Mormon Stories Podcast covered this topic and featured an interview with attorneys from Andrews Thornton, which filed dozens of lawsuits against the Mormon church in 2024-25 in California. (“Mormon Church Facing New Sex Abuse & Trafficking Lawsuits – Phil & Paydan Bussey | Ep. 1991”)
Mormon Sexual Abuse MARATHON 36-Hour Podcast: Raise Awareness – 550+ Cases
Mormon Sexual Abuse MARATHON 36-Hour Podcast: Raise Awareness – 550+ Cases
We’d like to thank Maven for everything – this was her idea and she organized it. We thank all who helped her and us in every way, including all the behind the scenes folks and volunteer readers.
AP: How Mormon church ‘help line’ hid child sex abuse
Paul Douglas Adams case information | video link | related article
VICE News: The Mormon Church Has Been Accused of Using a Victims’ Hotline to Hide Claims of Sexual Abuse
Daughter of Melvin Kay Johnson – Kristy Johnson interview
No Crime in Sin: Documentary about Melvin Kay Johnson
About this video: From the video’s website: “NO CRIME IN SIN is a story about confronting a traumatic past and reclaiming the future. Kristy and Kathy Johnson were sexually abused by their father over the course of decades. Because the Johnsons were active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church), clergy knew about this recurring abuse and did nothing to stop it.
Since the late 1980s, Kristy Johnson and her siblings have been plagued by unanswered questions about why their father never served time in prison and why the Mormon Church never intervened to help them. So in 2016, Kristy and Kathy were joined by their brother Kim on a road trip to confront their father. What followed was a cathartic encounter between two survivors and the man who abused them—an unraveling of past mysteries in a last-ditch effort for justice. This film reflects the turmoil imposed on the lives of these siblings by the selfish, criminal acts of their father, and their emotional, lifelong search for hope with a broken compass.”
Melvin Kay Johnson sexual abuse case information
Church and the Fourth Estate – the Intercept
About this video: Exposing Boy Scouts Sex Abuse Turned Into Battle of Press Freedom Against Powerful Interests
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