This case arose in 1998 in New Jersey.
From case notes obtained by FLOODLIT:
William Scott Hanson “sexually raped, molested, battered and fondled him while
plaintiff was a minor, and that defendant Corporation of the President of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints d/b/a the Mormon Church knew that Hanson was a
pedophile that was abusing children but retained him as a High Priest, Scout leader and
Young Men’s Leader.” “Hanson is a serial pedophile and a life-long compulsive sexual
predator of boys. He has been convicted in Utah, Wisconsin and New jersey of molesting
and raping young boys. He is presently serving a thirty year sentence in New jersey and
will then serve a consecutive term of forty years for child rape in Wisconsin.
9. At all relevant times Hanson was raping and molesting boys, he was also serving
defendant COP’s church as High Priest, Scout leader and Young Men’s leader.”
#5 “The Mormon Church knew or should have known that HANSON was a dangerous child
molester yet for at least fifteen years repeatedly put him in to positions that gave him access
to young boys, dozens of whom he raped and sodomized.
6. HANSON was known by church authorities to be a sexual offender with children while he
was still a teenager.
7. In approximately 1986, HANSON was a scout leader, HANSON sexually abused DC,
RS, and MD, in Utah.
8. HANSON was subsequently arrested and charged with multiple counts of attempted
forcible sodomy and aggravated sexual abuse of a child in Utah Count, Fourth Judicial
District, State of Utah, Criminal No. 87-72.
10. Robert o Hansen was HANSON’s ward bishop in 1987. Robert O. Hansen was aware
of specific allegations against Hanson, yet spoke as a character witness and argued for
leniency at the sentencing hearing. He told the court that HANSON was not a child
molester. Hansen told the court that HANSON had merely exercised bad judgment.
HANSON was sentenced to probation and therapy.
11 . On information and belief, HANSON failed to complete court ordered sexual deviancy
therapy. Instead, Hanson moved to Texas in 1088 and joined an LDS ward in Dallas.
12. Bishop Robert O. Hansen informed the bishop of the Dallas LDS ward about
HANSON’s criminal law problems in Utah. Notwithstanding Hanson’s known sexual abuse
of boys in Utah, church officials in Texas put HANSON in church positions working with
youth in the ward.
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FLOODLIT does not have information regarding whether other related documents exist. Please check back soon or contact us to request that we look for some.Sources
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13. HANSON moved to West Lafayette, In, in approximately 1090, and joined a local ward
of the LDS church.14. In Indiana, HANSON became a scout leader in the local LDS ward. Through his
position as ward scout leader, HANSON befriended a church member's family. HANSON
began grooming and later sexually abusing their son PM. HANSON abused PM on scout
camp outings in multiple locations including Indiana, Arkansas and Iowa." He moved to
Reston, Virginia and then on to Beaumont, Texas where he joined a Mormon ward and was
once again called as a scout leader. He abused more boys in Texas and this included DB. "
16. HANSON moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin, in approximately 1995. He joined the local
ward of the Mormon church. The church put him in charge of the Blazers, younger scouts
ages 11 to 12. The church also made him Young Men's Leader. In those positions,
HANSON sexually abused more boys in Wisconsin including BH. In approximately 1998 he
moved to Warren County, New Jersey and joined the Ledgewood ward of the Mormon
Church. Church authorities again put HANSON into scouting and youth leadership
positions. In those positions, HANSON raped Plaintiff David V. Ames, a minor at that time,
on hundreds of occasions and in multiple locations including Warren, Morris and Middlesex
counties, New jersey, as well as other locations throughout the United States and Canada.19. Despite being placed in scouting leadership positions in Mormon church wards in
Texas, Indiana, Wisconsin and New jersey, Mormon Church officials never registered
HANSON with the Boy Scouts of America.20. In 2000, HANSON was arrested and charged with 42 counts of aggravated child sexual
abuse in Warren County, New Jersey.”HANSON-Willaim Scott Hanson 1 COMPLAINT AMES V COP.pdf
https://dockets.justia.eom/docket/new-jersey/njdce/2:2006cv03441/19186EXCERPTS FROM PLAINTIFF'S (P) COMPLAINT & DEFENDANT'S (D) ANSWERS
P-8. WILLIAM SCOTT HANSON ('"HANSON"), is a citizen of the State of New Jersey,
residing at the Adult Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Avenel, Woodbridge Township,Middlesex County. HANSON is a serial pedophile and a life-long compulsive sexual
D-8. Defendant admits that, in or about November 1986, Hanson was charged with one
count of Attempted Forcible Sodomy and one count of Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child
in Utah County, Utah. Defendant further states that in or about February 1987, the charge of
Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child was amended and subsequently reduced to Sexual
Abuse of a Child. Except as expressly admitted herein, Defendant denies the remaining
allegations contained in Paragraph 8 of the section of the Complaint entitled “Facts.”P-9.At all relevant times HANSON was raping and molesting boys, he was also serving
defendant COP's church as High Priest, Scout leader and Young Men's Leader.D-9. Defendant admits that, in or about October 1987, pursuant to a plea agreement,
Hanson entered a plea of guilty to the charge of Lewdness Involving a Child, a Class A
misdemeanor."FACTS SECTION
P-10. Robert 0. Hansen was HANSON'S ward bishop in 1987. RobertO. Hansen was
aware of specific allegations against Hanson, yet spoke as a character witness and argued
for leniency at the sentencing hearing. He told the court that HANSON was not a child
molester. Hansen told the court that HANSON had merely exercised bad judgment.HANSON was sentenced to probation and therapy. "
D-10. Defendant admits that in or about 1987, Robert 0. Hansen (“Hansen”) was The
bishop of the Orem, Utah 27th Ward in which Scott Hanson was a member. Defendant
further admits Hansen was aware of the Utah County criminal charges, and that Hansen
addressed the court during Hanson’s sentencing hearing. Defendant further admits that,
according to the Judgment and Order of Probation entered by the Utah County Court,Hanson was sentenced to probation and therapy, although Hanson was not required to
serve jail time or pay a fine or victim reparation fee in connection with his guilty plea to
Lewdness Involving a Child."P-11 . On information and belief, HANSON failed to complete court ordered sexual deviancy
therapy. Instead, Hanson moved to Texas in 1988 and joined an IDS ward in Dallas.D-11 . Defendant admits that, at some point in time, Hanson moved from Utah to Dallas,
Texas, and states that on information and belief that Hanson did comply with all of the
conditions of his probation. Accordingly, Defendant denies the remaining allegations
contained in Paragraph 11 of the section of the Complaint entitled “Facts.”P-12. Bishop Robert 0. Hansen informed the bishop of the Dallas LOS ward about
HANSON'S criminal law problems in Utah. Notwithstanding HANSON'S known sexual
abuse of boys in Utah, church officials in Texas put HANSON in church positions working
with youth in the ward.D-1 2. Defendant denies that Church officials in the Dallas, Texas 3rd Ward “put Hanson in
church positions working with youth” despite knowledge of “Hanson’s known sexual abuse
of boys in Utah,” and further states that to the best of Defendant’s knowledge, information
and belief, Hanson was not an active member of the Dallas, Texas 3rd Ward. Defendant is
without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of the
remaining allegations of Paragraph 12 of the section of the Complaint entitled “Facts.”P-13. HANSON moved to West Lafayette, IN, in approximately 1989, and joined a local
ward of the LOS church.D-1 3. Defendant admits that, at some point in time, Hanson moved to West Lafayette,
Indiana and may have resided in a local ward in that area. Except as expressly admitted
herein, Defendant denies the remaining allegations, if any, contained in Paragraph 13 of the
section of the Complaint entitled “Facts.”P-14. In Indiana, HANSON became a scout leader in the local LOS ward. Through his
position as ward scout leader, HANSON befriended a church member's family. HANSON
began grooming and later sexually abusing their son, PM. HANSON abused PM on scout
camp outings in multiple locations including Indiana, Arkansas and Iowa.D-1 4. Defendant is without knowledge or information to form a belief as to the truth or falsity
of the allegations contained in Paragraph 14 of the section of the Complaint entitled “Facts,”
and on that basis denies those allegations.P-15. HANSON moved to Reston, Virginia, and then to Beaumont, Texas. In Texas,
HANSON joined the local ward of the Mormon church and again was put into the church's
scouting program. In Beaumont, HANSON abused more boys, including DB.D-1 5. Defendant admits that Hanson moved on multiple occasions, and may have resided,
during certain periods of time, in Reston, Virginia and Beaumont, Texas. Defendant further
admits that Hanson may have resided in the local ward of the Church in Beaumont, Texas,
but states that Hanson was not an active participant in the Beaumont, Texas Ward, and
specifically denies that “Hanson was put into the church’s scouting program.” Defendant is
without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of
Plaintiff’s allegation that, while in Beaumont, “Hanson abused more boys, including DB.”
Except as expressly admitted herein, Defendant denies the remaining allegations, if any,
contained in Paragraph 15 of the section of the Complaint entitled “Facts.”"P-1 6. HANSON moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin, in approximately 1995. He joined the local
ward of the Mormon church. The church put him in charge of the Blazers, younger scouts
ages 11 to 12. The church also made him Young Men's Leader. In those positions,HANSON sexually abused more boys in Wisconsin including BH.
D-1 6. On information and belief, Defendant admits that, at some point in time, Hanson
moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin, where he resided in a local ward of the Church and
served, for a certain period of time, as a First Counselor and Teacher’s Quorum Advisor in
the Young Men’s Presidency. Except as expressly admitted herein, Defendant denies the
remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 16 of the section of the Complaint entitled
“Facts.”P-17. HANSON moved to Warren County, New Jersey, in approximately 1998, and joined
the Ledgewood ward of the Mormon Church. Church authorities again put HANSON
into scouting and youth leadership positions. In those positions, HANSON raped Plaintiff
DAVID V. AMES, a minor at that time, on hundreds of occasions and in multiple locations
including Warren, Morris and Middlesex counties, New Jersey, as well as other locations
throughout the United States and Canada.D-17. Defendant admits Hanson moved to Warren County, New Jersey in or about 1998
and resided in the Ledgewood, New Jersey Ward of the Church. Defendant further admits
that, while in New Jersey, Hanson participated in the lay priesthood of the Church, as that
term is doctrinally defined and understood by the Church, and that, during certain periods of
time, Hanson served in youth leadership positions.”P-1 8. HANSON also brought BH from Wisconsin to New Jersey on his vacations and
repeatedly sexually assaulted BH in New Jersey.D-1 8. Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
or falsity of the allegations contained in Paragraph 18 of the section of the Complaint
entitled “Facts,” and on that basis denies those allegations.P-1 9. Despite being placed in scouting leadership positions in Mormon church wards in
Texas, Indiana, Wisconsin and New Jersey, Mormon Church officials never registered
HANSON with the Boy Scouts of America.D-1 9. Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
or falsity of the allegations contained in Paragraph 19 of the section of the Complaint
entitled “Facts,” and on that basis denies those allegations.P-20. In 2000, HANSON was arrested and charged with 42 counts of aggravated child
sexual abuse in Warren County, New Jersey.D-20. Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 20 of the section of the
Complaint entitled “Facts.”P-21 .In 2001 , HANSON pleaded guilty and was sentenced to multiple concurrent sentences
Of 15 to 30 years."D-21 .Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 21 of the section of the
Complaint entitled “Facts.”P-22. In 2004, HANSON was sentenced to a consecutive 40 year term of imprisonment in
Waukesha County, Wisconsin.D-22. Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
truth or falsity of the allegations contained in Paragraph 22 of the section of the Complaint
entitled “Facts.”https://docs.iustia.eom/cases/federal/districtcourts/newiersev/njdce/2:2006cv03441/191864/3
see also Charles Toutant, Mormon Church Sued on Charges of Sexual Abuse by Youth
Leader, 185 N.J. L.J. 475 (2006)(reporting that a Mormon bishop from Provo, Utah notified
the child abuser's new ward, or congregation, about his previous criminal sexual offenses in
Utah and Wisconsin, but the ward still put him in positions working with children in Dallas,
Texas, and later working with children in Ledgewood, New Jersey)
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Case 2:06-cv-03441 -WJM-MF Document 3 Filed 09/20/2006 Page 1 of 16
LATTER-DAY SAINTS et alHANSON-William Scott Hanson 2, 3, and 4 pdfs
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