
09/09/91 Idaho
LDS Jeff Hardin pleads guilty to sexually abusing a child at Camp Lemhi Boy Scout camp.
From Pedophiles At Scout Camp by Peter Zuckerman:
“August to April, 1987:
Jeff Hardin attends Ricks College in Rexburg (BYU-ldaho registrar). He was pursuing
a degree in counseling. (Chubbuck Police report)
Hardin, another waterfront instructor at Camp Little Lemhi, befriends a Scout he later
molests. (Chubbuck Police report)
Sept. 9, 1991 :
Between 4:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. Hardin molests a child he met at camp at the child’s
Oct. 24, 1991:
Hardin is charged with lewd conduct with a child under 16, which he later pleads
guilty to committing. Hardin is released from jail on his own recognizance.
Dec. 15, 1991:
Hardin is sentenced. He is put on felony probation as a sex offender. (Criminal case)
Jan. 3, 1996:
Hardin is placed on unsupervised probation. (Criminal case)
July 21, 1997:
Hardin’s probation ends and the felony molestation conviction is reduced to a
misdemeanor. (Criminal case)
May 23, 2005:
Hardin molestation case unsealed.
Sources: Unless otherwise noted, the events described in this graphic were
described by sworn testimony, exhibits and records in Bonneville County civil case
CV-99-3416, Bonneville County civil case CV-03-1877, Bonneville County Criminal
case CR-97-2659, Bannock County civil case CV-05-812OC, Bannock County
criminal case C-5548-B and Utah County, Utah criminal case 911400153; Post
Register archives; and record-keepers from the Idaho Department of Correction and
the Utah Department of Corrections. When records contradicted one another,
information from the criminal case was used and the source is noted.”
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- Criminal: Convicted,
- Positions: Scout leader,
- During crime: Scout leader,
- Crime: 1990s, in Idaho,
- Convicted: 1990s,
- Victims: Multiple victims, Unknown number of victims,
- AKA Jeff Hardin
- Mission: no
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