was a Mormon missionary in Nevada; charged with sexually abusing two little children at an LDS chapel in the Las Vegas area; in 2005, made a plea deal to avoid prison, via an Alford plea to two counts; a lawsuit said a local Mormon leader failed to report abuse to police; in 2008, sentenced to prison after violating the plea deal; as of 2024, lives in Las Vegas, Nevada as a registered sex offender



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“Records show civil lawsuits filed in 2005 in Clark County District Court against Misseldine, the LDS Church and others were closed in 2007 after the church set up trust funds of $400,000 for the older girl and $382,000 for the younger girl and her sister.”
Deseret News, Jan. 5, 2008

10/08/03 Nevada

LDS John Misseldine was accused of molesting two children. Misseldine was a
missionary and he told authorities. “His church advised him not to speak with the police
without an attorney present. The victims were ages 7 and 4 and the molestation took place
at a “Las Vegas Valley church.” “According to police reports, Misseldine told officers he had
a similar legal problem in Virginia. The suspect did not elaborate other than to say that the
charges in Virginia were dropped and that the Mormon Church knew about the prior
accusations, according to Las Vegas police reports.” “A Las Vegas Valley woman told
detectives she took her two nieces, ages 7 and 4, and a third girl, age 2, to a Mormon
church at 1775 N. Christy Lane. It is there that Misseldine molested the girls. When the

Aunt was told by the girls what Misseldine did to them she ‘returned to the church and told
an official of the conversation with the children’. “She was not getting any satisfaction, so
she called the police,” the report said.”

Ex-missionary sentenced By Ken Ritter Associated Press Published: Saturday, Jan. 5 2008
12:28 a.m. MST


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  5. Man to avoid prison in molestation case
    view source details | 19 Aug 2005 | Las Vegas Sun
  6. Ex-missionary sentenced
    view source details | 5 Jan 2008 | Deseret News

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International map of locations where active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints perpetrated or allegedly perpetrated sexual abuse or other sex crimes, or where LDS leaders failed or allegedly failed to help abuse survivors.


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