was an LDS church member and scout leader in Utah; accused in 1988 of child sexual abuse



03/21/88 Utah

LDS Scotty Hyrum Mortensen “was suspended or denied registration with BSA for child sexual abuse of three youth-Salt Lake County Sheriff Dept, have 3 charges of child sexual abuse against this person. The three boys now refuse to testify and Mortensen won’t admit guilt. The Sheriff says there is no doubt as to his guilt, but they can’t prove it at this time.”

Letter from K Hart Bullock, Scout Executive to Paul Ernst, BSA National on March 18, 1988: “The LDS ward to which he (Mortensen) belonged have removed him from all involvement with their youth.”

Feb 25, 1988 a written telepohone message from Hart Bullock to BSA: “Neither the council or National show him registered even though there is talk he is a Scout Master.”


  1. Scotty Hyrum Mortensen - Perversion Files
    view source details | 4 Mar 2024 | Los Angeles Times

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