was a Mormon church member in Logan, Utah; accused of sexual abuse by multiple women; died by suicide in October 2020, shortly after allegations became public

Case report

NOTE: Tom Kimball was never charged with a sex crime. He died by suicide before formal charges were made against him. According to our posting policy, he can be included in our database because he was an active Mormon at the time of at least some of his alleged crimes, and because the allegations have already been repeatedly discussed by a broad audience. Our goal is to provide an accurate review of allegations in each case.

From Tom Kimball’s obituary in 2020:

“As we lay Tom’s body to rest, we recognize the pain he caused in many lives on. We mourn for and stand by each victim.”

blood relative of Spencer W. Kimball, LDS church president from 1973-1985; descendant of Heber C. Kimball, early Mormon apostle

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FLOODLIT.org has a free public database of hundreds of reports about people who committed or allegedly committed sex crimes, including sexual abuse, while they were active Mormon church members. You can browse the entire database in all sorts of ways, including by LDS church position, number of victims, places where crimes took place, or criminal/civil case result.

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International map of locations where active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints perpetrated or allegedly perpetrated sexual abuse or other sex crimes, or where LDS leaders failed or allegedly failed to help abuse survivors.


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