was a Mormon bishop in Azusa, California (Azusa 1st Ward, Glendora California Stake) from about 2005 to 2010; accused in a 2024 civil lawsuit of sexual abuse that allegedly took place between 2008 and 2010, starting when the victim was seven years old; the alleged abuse took place in the bishop's office at church and at Monzello's home



Tim Monzello was a Mormon bishop in California from about 2005 to 2010, in the Azusa 1st Ward of the Glendora California Stake.

In 2024, Monzello was accused in a civil lawsuit of sexual abuse.

Thanks to your donations and support, FLOODLIT has obtained court documents in this case.

Here are a few excerpts from the complaint (warning – graphic descriptions of abuse):

“Beginning in 2008 when Plaintiff Jane Roe JC 7 was only 7 years old, she was repeatedly sexually abused by the leading religious authority within Defendants’ Azusa 1st Ward.”

“Timothy Monzello’s first assault of Plaintiff was initiated in a busy hallway on Defendants’ premises in Azusa. Given Monzello’s position as “Bishop,” his taking and isolating Plaintiff in an unsupervised room would have been noticeable. The warning signs clearly present before the initial abuse were only amplified with each additional time Monzello sequestered Plaintiff in his office, where the two were alone for the duration of the sexual assaults.”

“The harassing and inappropriate nature of the relationship was never investigated, nor Plaintiff questioned, as the adult “Bishop” brought the 7- to 9-year-old Plaintiff to his office dozens of times over a two-year period. Monzello frequently isolated and sequestered Plaintiff in full view of other leaders and members of the Church. Monzello was open and obvious about keeping Plaintiff alone in his office for significant periods of time.”

“Extreme sexual abuse of Plaintiff by Timothy Monzello began before Plaintiff had been baptized in Defendants’ Church. Plaintiff was a 7-year-old member of the Azusa 1st Ward in 2008, and therefore knew Monzello as the “Bishop” of her congregation, the highest-ranking religious leader at the Church. While at the Azusa meetinghouse, Monzello called Plaintiff into his office, luring her there with the promise of candy. Once inside he began questioning Plaintiff while touching her bare legs. As the conversation progressed, Monzello instructed Plaintiff to lift her dress and give him her underwear. Given Plaintiff’s extremely young age, complete vulnerability, and the authority of Monzello, only amplified by their presence in his office, Plaintiff complied. After placing Plaintiff’s underwear in his desk, and the lack of interruption or investigation into what was occurring inside the office, Monzello continued.”

The complaint describes physical sexual assault by Monzello against the 7-year-old girl.

“While Monzello was interrupted on this first occasion by a phone call, he would go on to sexually abuse Plaintiff approximately 35 times or more over the next two years. Monzello did little to conceal his actions and frequently removed Plaintiff to his office in front of others.”

“He did so in his residence, where he would have Plaintiff and his own daughter run around their house and dance in the nude. This culminated in Monzello asking Plaintiff to sit on his lap while he” sexually abused her.

“Meanwhile, the sexual abuse on Defendants’ premises continued and intensified. On one occasion, Monzello brought Plaintiff to his office under the pretense of speaking about her upcoming baptism. Instead, Monzello grasped and held Plaintiff’s face, aggressively kissing her while” sexually abusing her.

“The abuse further escalated when Monzello called Plaintiff into his office, asking if she was wearing underwear. He directed Plaintiff to lift her dress, before pulling her underwear down and spreading her legs. When Plaintiff attempted to pull away, Monzello told her to be quiet, becoming even more aggressive. He” sexually abused her “until she began crying from the physical pain this caused. She was allowed to pull her underwear back into place, but Monzello nonetheless continued” abusing her.

“Similar incidents to those described herein persisted until 2010 when Plaintiff was 9 years old, occurring at least 35 different times. At that point Plaintiff, having been left by Defendants to the serial child predator in their ranks, went to her grandmother and voiced how uncomfortable she was around Monzello.”

Additional abuse also occurred in Monzello’s home, according to the complaint.

FLOODLIT is seeking more information in this case. Please contact us if you knew this man.



  1. Jane Roe JC 7 v. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
    view source details | 19 Nov 2024 | PacerMonitor

Source details

Browse the Mormon Sexual Abuse Database

FLOODLIT.org has a free public database of hundreds of reports about people who committed or allegedly committed sex crimes, including sexual abuse, while they were active Mormon church members. You can browse the entire database by LDS church position, number of victims, places where crimes took place, criminal/civil case results, and other criteria.

View the Mormon Sexual Abuse Map

International map of locations where active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints perpetrated or allegedly perpetrated sexual abuse or other sex crimes, or where LDS leaders failed or allegedly failed to help abuse survivors.


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