was a Mormon church member in Washington and Utah; convicted of child sexual abuse charges while a minor in Washington; removed from sex offender registries in Washington and Utah; allegedly molested a child in 2019 while on a trip to Spain paid for by the Mormon church; charged in Washington and Utah in 2024 with child sexual abuse felonies; named in a 2025 lawsuit against the Mormon church



Paydan Bussey was a Mormon church member who was convicted of child sexual abuse charges in Washington while he was a minor.

Phil Bussey, an area authority seventy for the Mormon church, allegedly helped Paydan be removed from sex offender registries in Washington and Utah in the mid-2010s. Phil was assigned by the Mormon church in 2018 to be a mission president in Madrid, Spain.

Phil Bussey, Paydan Bussey, the Mormon church and a Mormon bishop (Thayne Lyman) were named in a 2025 civil lawsuit that accused Phil of inviting Paydan to visit him in Madrid in 2019, where Paydan allegedly groomed and molested a small child.

The Mormon church paid for Paydan to travel to and from Spain, according to the lawsuit.

Paydan was criminally charged with child sexual abuse felonies in Washington and Utah in 2024. The cases were both ongoing as of Feb. 2025.

FLOODLIT has obtained criminal and civil court documents related to Paydan and Phil Bussey, thanks to your support and donations.

We have obtained court documents from Washington showing Paydan’s requirement to register as a sex offender was terminated May 19, 2017. That case was sealed from 2017 to 2024, and unsealed in 2024 because Paydan was newly charged.


  1. Bussey v. The Church of the Latter-Day Saints et al
    view source details | 4 Feb 2025 | PacerMonitor
  2. Philip Kevin Bussey
    view source details | 4 Feb 2025 | FLOODLIT

Source details

Browse the Mormon Sexual Abuse Database

FLOODLIT.org has a free public database of hundreds of reports about people who committed or allegedly committed sex crimes, including sexual abuse, while they were active Mormon church members. You can browse the entire database by LDS church position, number of victims, places where crimes took place, criminal/civil case results, and other criteria.

View the Mormon Sexual Abuse Map

International map of locations where active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints perpetrated or allegedly perpetrated sexual abuse or other sex crimes, or where LDS leaders failed or allegedly failed to help abuse survivors.


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