
05/01/87 Idaho
LDS Robert “Scott” Price “was a Scout and youth leader at an LDS church in Bannock
County, who began abusing children in the mid-’90s, though some records indicate he
started earlier.” A Bannock County Sheriff’s Office report shows that 1994 or 1995 is when
the Price and some Scouts stayed in a cabin near Driggs, and molested a 14 year old boy.
There are at least 14 incidents, which involved oral sex and fondling of boys ages 15 to 17,
which followed, according to the sheriff’s office report… “He told the boys they would ruin his
life if he was turned in and that the boys wouldn’t be able to go on LDS missions if anyone
found out, investigators reported. Several episodes occurred during church-sponsored
camping trips for young men. Police arrested Price, who appeared in court for the first time
on March 1 , 2001 . He was released from jail on a $1 00,000 bond while deputies
investigated his case.”
“By May 2, 2002, Price had returned to Scouting, sheriff’s investigators reported…. On May
7, 2002, Judge Randy Smith ordered that Price be arrested for violating the terms of his
release by spending time alone with children. Charged with five felonies, Price pleaded
guilty June 20, 2002, to three: sexual abuse of a child under 16, lewd conduct with a child
under 16 and sexual battery of a child 16 or 17 years old. Smith received at least 40 letters
from people affected by Price’s conduct. The judge sentenced Price on Sept. 5, 2002.”
“The Defendant sexually molested several underage boys (at least eight) since 1987,” the
judge wrote on Dec. 23, 2002, regarding a hearing where he refused to reduce the
sentence. “Mr. Price also used his position as a leader in the boys’ church, as a Scout
leader and as a friend. … Given the evidence here, he cannot have a life without
supervision.” (The links to Zuckerman’s article are continuously taken down so I found the
AG site and if you scroll you will see the screen print of all of Zucherman’s work).
Place: Bannock County
Troop & Location: Grand Teton Council – Idaho
Years in BSA: No IV File, Scouting 1987-2002
Post Register article details more than a decade of child sex abuse while being active in
Scouting and the LDS church. Post Register – Zuckerman. Convicted of Sexual Abuse of a
Minor in June, 2002.
Doe… Interview with Andrew Chasan and a BSAAbuse Victim
BSA PERPETRATORS Timeline for Robert Scott Price:
Born 2/1962SSN Issued in Idaho
80’s Lived in Green River, Wyoming. (Sweetwater County.) Checked with Sweetwater
County Criminal and Civil courts – no records exist on Price. We don’t know if he was
involved in the Scouts in Wyoming, but he was most likely involved in the LDS church.
Winter of 94 or 95
Price was arrested and appeared in Court on March 1 , 2001 . He was released from
jail on a $100,000 bond while deputies investigated his case. By May 2, 2002, Price
had returned to Scouting, and at least one person was “very concerned about Price
being around the young boys” at Boy Scout functions. (Post Register.)
6 / 20/02
Price pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a child under 16, lewd conduct with a child
under 1 6 and sexual battery of a child 1 6 or 1 7 years old.
Wife filed for divorce. Divorce decree granted 11/22/2002. (Court records.)
The judge wrote that Price had sexually molested at least eight underage boys since
1987. He wrote that Price used his position as a leader in boys Church, as a Scout
leader and as a friend. Sentenced to Life in Prison. Parole Eligibility Date:
5/1/2017. (Court records.)”
- Criminal: Convicted, Prison,
- Positions: Scout leader, Youth leader,
- During crime: Scout leader,
- Crime: 1990s, in Idaho,
- Convicted: 2000s, 2002,
- Crime scenes: Recreational trip/outing, Scout activity,
- Victims: 8 victims, Multiple victims, Unknown number of victims,
- AKA Scott Price
- Mission: no
- Locations: Idaho,
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