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about sexual abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon).
Our growing public database (over 4,000 case reports) and relentless research have helped to hold perpetrators and enablers accountable.
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Source details
03/15/07 Dublin Ireland
LDS Unnamed Missionary was accused of abusing a girl. The Victim is suing the LDS
Church claiming that she was abused by an LDS missionary when she was a minor. She
claims that other LDS church members stood guard alerting the molester if other LDS
members were near. The claims that the LDS concealed and allowed this man to exploit
her. She claims the LDS failed to protect a child. In fact, "The woman says that when she
told senior church members what happened, they told her not to reveal it to her non-
Mormon parents or to the police." They did not report this pedophile. She brought the case
before Dublin's High court.”LDS Missionary-lrish Central Article.pdf
Mormon Church sued in Dublin’s High Court by abuse victim of U.S. missionary
Papers to be served on elder now resident in America By: CATHAL DERVAN | Published
Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 7:45 AM | Updated
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