
Todd Edwards, a bishop of the Menifee Ward in the Riverside, California area, was arrested and charged in 2013 with sexually assaulting two teen girls.
He had been an LDS bishop since at least May 2011. FLOODLIT is looking for more information on the date Edwards began his position as bishop.
Edwards was charged with three felonies: sexual battery, sexual penetration with a foreign object, and witness intimidation.
The witness intimidation charge was later dismissed as part of a plea agreement.
According to the Riverside County district attorney’s office, the victims attended Edwards’ church and he was friends with the families of both girls.
Investigators identified a possible third victim, but the statute of limitations on filing criminal charges had run out on that case.
Edwards was arrested and charged in May 2013.
A Jun. 3, 2013 Press-Enterprise article said Kramer stated that “Edwards was removed from his position in the church when the allegations against him came to light.”
Kramer “could not immediately provide the dates Edwards served as bishop,” the article said.
In November 2013, Edwards was convicted via a guilty plea as part of a plea agreement.
In response to Edwards’ conviction, George Kramer, a spokesman for the LDS church in the Menifee Stake, issued the following statement:
“We are very saddened by the news surrounding the admission of sexual abuse by Todd Mitchell Edwards, 49, of Murrieta, CA. As the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has zero-tolerance for any such conduct, we fully support the legal proceedings surrounding Mr. Edwards’ criminal prosecution and subsequent conviction. Our primary concern is for the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of the victims involved.”
In December 2013, Edwards was sentenced to three years in prison.
In 2024, two victims filed separate civil lawsuits against the Mormon church, saying its leaders failed to protect them from Edwards. One (“JW 142”) said Menifee stake president Robert Wilson failed to report to law enforcement after she told him Edwards had assaulted her.
Wilson became the Menifee Stake president in May 2011 after being a stake presidency counselor since 2004.
Wilson was stake president at the time Edwards was arrested in 2013.
2024 Lawsuit #1 of 2: LDS church “initiated a full-court press to keep [child sexual abuse] hidden”
Plaintiff JW 142 alleged that Edwards sexually assaulted her in 2006, when she was 16 years old.
The lawsuit said: (warning – graphic description of sexual assault)
“[Edwards] effectively utilized the cover of his leadership position in the Church to disarm Plaintiff’s parents and gain their trust, just as he had done with Plaintiff.
“This culminated in November of 2006 when Edwards, under the pretense of bringing Plaintiff over to his home for dinner, picked up Plaintiff in his vehicle, alone.
“Using the information he had obtained regarding Plaintiff’s parents’ divorce, Edwards was able to distract Plaintiff from where he was driving while she relayed how she felt about her situation at home.
“When Edwards eventually parked, Plaintiff realized they were in a field away from any lights or houses.
“She told Edwards she wanted to get to his house for the dinner, to which Edwards replied that he wanted to talk first.
“It was then that Edwards began caressing Plaintiff’s back and them moving to under her shirt.
“Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Plaintiff reiterated that she wanted to go to his home, but again Edwards deflected.
“Edwards then attempted to fondle Plaintiff’s breasts under her shirt, to which Plaintiff pulled away and attempted to exit the vehicle.
“Edwards then locked the car doors, threatening Plaintiff that no one knew where she was, nor was anyone around to hear her should she scream.
“He ordered her to remain where she was, and made her to lie down across the front seats of his vehicle with her head on his lap.
“Plaintiff begged Edwards to take her home but he refused.
“He ordered her to close her eyes, which she did after Edwards repeated the command a second, more stern tone.
“Edwards then proceed to unbutton her pants, and remove her undergarments, and forcibly digitally penetrate her.
“Plaintiff begged Edwards to stop his assault and to take her home, she even tried to stop him by getting up, however Edwards responded to her attempts by forcibly holding her down and continuing his assault.
“Once he concluded his attack, rather than driving Plaintiff to his home for dinner as intended, Edwards took Plaintiff back to her own home.”
The lawsuit also accused Robert Wilson, the plaintiff’s LDS stake president, of covering up abuse allegations. It stated:
“Having failed to act upon their notice of imminent harm to Plaintiff by preventing or stopping the sexual abuse which followed, Defendants then acted to conceal their knowledge of the known sexual assault.
“Plaintiff disclosed the abuse to the Stake President Robert Wilson, who rather than reporting the known sexual assault to law enforcement, offered Plaintiff counseling through the Church.
“When the Stake President Wilson then held a meeting with Plaintiff’s parents, he reiterated that the Defendants would conduct their own investigation, and later determine if law enforcement should be notified.
“The police were never notified by Defendants, even as another of Edwards’s victims came forward to the Stake President Wilson to disclose her own abuse.
“Edwards would go on to confess his sexual abuse of this other victim to the Stake President Wilson, who still attempted to hinder the discovery of Edwards’s abuse of Plaintiff and others by law enforcement.
“Similarly, Plaintiff came to know of an apology letter Edwards had written her, though it was never provided to her.
“After a member of Plaintiff’s family alerted police to Defendants’ cover-up of Edwards’s misconduct, the proper authorities became involved in the matter.
“It was determined that yet another third minor female in the Church had been sexually abused by Edwards, and several others reported inappropriate and harassing behavior by Edwards.
“When Stake President Wilson was contacted by police, he refused to answer any questions and directed them to Defendants’ lawyer through Kirton McConkie.
“Kirton McConkie erroneously claimed clergy privilege, further hindering the investigation.
“While Defendants continued to conceal the actions of the serial predator they had empowered and let loose on their youth community, Edwards himself would acknowledge and, for all intents and purposes, confess the sexual abuse of Plaintiff during a controlled call with police listening in.
“Even as Edwards was arrested for the sexual abuse of Plaintiff and others, Defendants continued to hide and deflect as much as possible with Plaintiff, her family, and the police — all to the further detriment of Plaintiff and others.
“Defendants thus had notice of the impending sexual assault of Plaintiff.
“When they allowed the abuse to occur, Defendants then took their knowledge of what had taken place and initiated a full-court press to keep it hidden.
“In so doing, Defendants have taken the harm caused by their failure to heed the notice afforded them in the first place, and increased it manifold in the years following their confirmation of the abuse.”
2024 Lawsuit #2 of 2: Mormon officials said “they were handling the matter of Todd Mitchell Edwards internally”
Plaintiff SV 132 stated the following in her 2024 civil complaint against the Mormon church: (warning – graphic description of sexual assault)
“Todd Mitchell Edwards engaged in fondling of Plaintiff in connection to his calling as one of the youth leaders within Defendants’ Church.
“Between 2009 and 2011, the abuse took place in Todd Mitchell Edwards’s vehicle under the pretense of driving Plaintiff to a gathering of the ward’s youth at Edwards’s residence.
“[…] Edwards was known to hold a calling or position in the Church which involved constant and unrestricted access to the congregation’s youth.
“He was heavily involved with the youth groups within the Menifee ward and would often give children rides to and from Defendants’ youth activities.
“As such, Edwards should have been properly trained, investigated, and supervised to determine his fitness to be given direct, unsupervised access to youth members, including Plaintiff.
“Had Defendants done so, they would or should have discovered that Edwards had already sexually abused at least one other victim in Defendants’ Church and had a reputation for behaving inappropriately around female members, particularly children.
“By either failing to investigate or turning a blind eye, Defendants allowed a child predator to maintain his access to the Defendants’ youth community, resulting in the sexual abuse of Plaintiff years later.
“Todd Mitchell Edwards’s conduct with Plaintiff leading up to the abuse should also have provided ample warning of Plaintiff’s extreme vulnerability to sexual abuse.
“Edwards, over at least a year, groomed Plaintiff by paying for her to attend Church functions, buying her meals, and offering to take her to purchase clothes and other items.
“He began seeking out more one-on-one time with Plaintiff, comforting her excessively regarding her home life.
“Given his prior misconduct with at least one minor in the Church, and the constant grooming of Plaintiff, it was plainly foreseeable that Edwards may seek direct, unsupervised access to Plaintiff under the pretense of the youth activities he was involved in.
“On the day of the incident, Edwards was hosting a group of children from the ward at his home for dinner and a movie.
“While alarming in and of itself, these circumstances were additionally concerning in the opportunity that would be provided to further isolate Plaintiff.
“Defendants not only allowed a child molester to host such an event but made no effort to prevent these sorts of interactions or prohibit the further isolation of individual children therein.
“Instead, Edwards was able to use his position as a youth leader in Defendants’ Church to gain access to the youth community, and sexually assault multiple of its members, including Plaintiff.
“It was not until a couple years later that Edwards would ultimately be investigated and held responsible for his actions, primarily by law enforcement.
“By the time Defendants were contacted by law enforcement, they had already enabled Edwards to sexually abuse at least one additional female Church member.
“Based on Edwards’s prior acts, the foreseeability of his access to Plaintiff, and the prolonged period of grooming preceding the abuse, Defendants knew, should have known, reasonably suspected, or were otherwise on notice of Edwards’s sexual abuse of Plaintiff.
“Plaintiff originally met Todd Mitchell Edwards in 2008 or 2009 after moving to the Menifee area and becoming involved in youth group activities and other Church events in one of the local wards.
“Edwards held a position in the ‘Melchizedek Priesthood,’ which would allow him to become ‘Bishop’ of the ward soon after the sexual abuse of Plaintiff.”
“As part of his calling, Edwards was heavily involved with the activities Plaintiff participated in.
“Edwards would often go so far as to transport children to and from these activities in his vehicle.
“Thus, it was no secret that Edwards was allowed frequent, unsupervised access to the congregation’s minors.
“Shortly after meeting, Edwards began paying particular attention to Plaintiff.
“He lamented her home life, and frequently offered to take her to buy clothes or whatever else she needed.
“He began buying Plaintiff food and paying for her to attend Church functions.
“Edwards knew of Plaintiff’s vulnerability as the child of a single mother and used her circumstances as a cover to privately converse with Plaintiff.
“He told her that he knew how hard her family situation must be for her and offered to help her in any way he could.
“Having gained her trust, Edwards was finally able to fully isolate Plaintiff, after a prolonged period of grooming, between 2009 and 2011.
“It was then that Edwards sent Plaintiff a text message informing her that he was hosting a gathering of youth Church members at his home.
“He told Plaintiff they would be having dinner, watching a movie, and participating in other activities.
“When Plaintiff was picked up by Edwards in his vehicle, she was surprised to see that Edwards was alone in the car.
“After telling Plaintiff that the rest of the group was already at his house, Edwards drove her onto a back road and parked the car.
“He began asking Plaintiff if she liked boys, specifically asking if she had ever kissed a man.
“Interwoven in these questions were statements familiar from the prior grooming, telling her that he knew how hard things at home were for her.
“As he did so, Edwards began caressing Plaintiff’s back, legs, and upper thighs.
“In an effort to diffuse the situation, Plaintiff responded that her home life was not that bad, to which Edwards insisted he was there for her.
“He began fondling Plaintiff’s breasts and asking her what kind of bra she wears.
“He asked Plaintiff the same question about another minor female in the ward, who he would also go on to sexually abuse, while trying to move Plaintiff towards his lap.
“As Plaintiff began pushing away, Edwards responded by fondling her genitals.
“As Plaintiff continued to insist that she wanted to leave, attempting to push Edwards away, he finally relented and took Plaintiff to his home for the gathering.
“Thereafter, Defendants took no action to reprimand or report Todd Mitchell Edwards, despite his sexual abuse of Plaintiff and at least one other minor female in the ward.
“On the contrary, Edwards would go on to become the ‘Bishop’ of the ward, further solidifying the power and authority he had used to sexually abuse Plaintiff and others.
“Defendants made every effort to conceal Edwards’s abuse of Plaintiff and other children, and any internal action only resulted in the unconscionable promotion of Edwards in their religious hierarchy.
“When law enforcement became involved, it was revealed that Defendants were aware of Edwards’s misconduct but stated to another victim’s family that they were handling the matter of Todd Mitchell Edwards internally.
“By the time criminal proceedings began, Defendants had already allowed Edwards continued access to other young females in the congregation, resulting in further sexual abuse.
“Plaintiff, meanwhile, has been forced to contend with the immense emotional pain and suffering associated with the impacts of her own sexual abuse to this day.”
2024 civil lawsuits:
1. Plaintiff Jane Roe SV 132 – Riverside County #CVRI2405052
2. Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142 – Riverside County #CVRI2405002
If you have any information about this case, or you know anyone who attended church in the Menifee Stake between 2004 and 2013, please contact us.
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Alleged coverup
- Criminal: Convicted, Plea agreement, Pleaded guilty, Prison, Registered sex offender,
- Civil: Lawsuit v. LDS church, Ongoing,
- Positions: Bishop, Youth leader,
- During crime: Bishop, Youth leader,
- When accused: Bishop,
- Crime: 2000s, 2010s, in California,
- Convicted: 2010s, 2013,
- Crime scenes: Perpetrator's home, Vehicle,
- Victims: 3 victims, Multiple victims,
Born: 1964
- AKA Todd Michael Edwards
- Mission: unknown
- Locations: California, Nevada,
- Menifee Stake gets new leaders,
- MENIFEE: Man charged with sex crimes was Mormon bishop,
- Former Mormon bishop charged with sexually assaulting teen girls,
- Former Menifee Mormon Bishop Pleads Guilty to Sex Crimes,
- Ex-Mormon bishop pleads guilty in sexual assaults of two teens,
- Roe JW 142 v. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints et al,
1. Menifee Stake gets new leaders
The Menifee Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints got new leaders at a recent conference.The new slate was installed during a May 1 conference.
Taking over the reins as president is Robert Wilson. The
51-year-old Wildomar resident served as a counselor in the previous
presidency.Wilson will be assisted by First Counselor Rocky F. Snider, a
58-year-old Lake Elsinore resident; and Second Counselor Todd
Elkins, a 50-year-old Perris resident.The Stake has 5,700 members in 13 congregations spanning the
cities of Menifee, Perris, Canyon Lake, Wildomar and Lake
Elsinore.Submitted by the Menifee Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. -
2. MENIFEE: Man charged with sex crimes was Mormon bishop
A man charged last week with sexually assaulting two teen girls had served as bishop of a Menifee Mormon church the victims attended, authorities said Monday, June 3.
Todd Mitchell Edwards, 48, of Murrieta, was arrested May 28 and charged with three felonies —– sexual battery, sexual penetration with a foreign object and witness intimidation, authorities said.
He pleaded not guilty to all charges Friday in Riverside Superior Court and was being held at Robert Presley Detention Center in Riverside with bail set at $65,000, jail and court records show.
Edwards was bishop of the Menifee Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
John Hall, a spokesman for the Riverside County district attorney’s office, said the victims attended Edwards’ church.
George Kramer, a spokesman for the Menifee Stake of the LDS church, said Edwards was removed from his position in the church when the allegations against him came to light. Kramer could not immediately provide the dates Edwards served as bishop.
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has zero tolerance for abuse of any kind,” Kramer said in a written statement. “Anyone who abuses a child is rightfully subject to both criminal prosecution and formal Church discipline.”
Allegations against Edwards were reported to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department in December, said Sgt. Glenn Williams. He said the assaults occurred in remote areas in Menifee but declined to elaborate. One case occurred in November 2006 when the girl was 16. The other was in February 2012 with another teen girl, he said. Edwards was friends with the families of both girls, Williams said.
Investigators identified a possible third victim but the statute of limitations on filing criminal charges had run out on that case, he said. Details about the date of that incident were not available Monday.
3. Former Mormon bishop charged with sexually assaulting teen girls
The suspect has pleaded not guilty to the charges. He apparently met the two teens while he was at the church.
Murrieta resident Todd Mitchell Edwards, 49, is accused of sexually assaulting two teenage girls who reportedly went to the church where he was a bishop at one time. Edwards has pleaded not guilty to all charges. If convicted he faces up to nine years in prison. He remained incarcerated Tuesday on $65,000 bail.
"He's been charged with three felony counts, one of sexual penetration with a foreign object by force," said John Hall, a Riverside County District Attorney spokesman.
Hall says the victim in that incident was a child, and it happened last year. He says the second victim was 18 at the time, and that incident happened in 2006.
"The defendant and both victim in this case all attended the same church," said Hall.
People leaving the church Tuesday told Eyewitness News they couldn't comment on the allegations, but we did get this statement: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has zero tolerance for abuse of any kind. Anyone who abuses a child is rightfully subject to both criminal prosecution and formal Church discipline," said George Kramer, Menifee Public Affairs.
The district attorney's office says it's possible there could be other victims.
"In any of these types of cases, there's always that possibility, and so if anyone believes that they may have been a victim of this defendant, Todd Edwards, we would encourage them to contact their local law enforcement agency," said Hall.
The Riverside County Sheriff's Department said they investigated a third case of alleged sexual assault, but the statute of limitations had expired.
4. Former Menifee Mormon Bishop Pleads Guilty to Sex Crimes
A former Mormon bishop serving in Menifee pleaded guilty today to two felony sex crimes involving teenage girls who attended his church. He will serve three years in prison.
Todd M. Edwards, 49, entered the guilty pleas as part of an agreement. The first count, sexual penetration with a foreign object with force and against the victim's will, is a felony and strike. The second count, sexual battery, also is a felony.
Judge Becky L. Dugan said the first count carries with it a strike because of the severity of the crime. Edwards remains free on $65,000 cash bail until he returns to court on Dec. 11 to be remanded into custody. If he doesn't appear on that date, a bench warrant will be served, the agreement will be null and void, and Edwards could serve nine years per count.
Edwards declined comment. He must register as a sex offender for life.
Edwards, who currently resides in Nevada, was released as bishop of the Menifee Ward after church officials learned of the investigation in 2012. He was arrested at his Murrieta residence May 28, 2013 following an investigation into allegations of sexual crimes in November 2006 and February 2012.
According to the police incident report, the 2006 incident involved a 16-year-old girl. The victim in the 2012 incident was 18 at the time. Both girls attended the Menifee Ward, according to police documents. Edwards was not serving as bishop at the time of the 2006 incident.
George Kramer, a spokesman for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, released the following statement today on behalf of the LDS Church:
"We are very saddened by the news surrounding the admission of sexual abuse by Todd Mitchell Edwards, 49, of Murrieta, CA. As the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has zero-tolerance for any such conduct, we fully support the legal proceedings surrounding Mr. Edwards’ criminal prosecution and subsequent conviction. Our primary concern is for the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of the victims involved."
5. Ex-Mormon bishop pleads guilty in sexual assaults of two teens
A former Mormon bishop in Riverside County is expected to serve three years in prison for sexually assaulting two teenage girls who attended a Menifee church, prosecutors said.
Todd Mitchell Edwards, 49, pleaded guilty Wednesday to two counts related to the assault of the teens, ages 16 and 18, as part of a plea agreement with prosecutors, said John Hall, a spokesman for the Riverside County district attorney’s office. The counts were sexual battery and sexual penetration with a foreign object.
In addition to the prison time, Edwards will also have to register as a lifetime sex offender as part of the arrangement, prosecutors said.
Edwards, who has been free on $65,000 bond, is scheduled to be sentenced in December.
The assaults happened in November 2006, according to the criminal complaint. He was initially charged with a third count, related to an attempt to dissuade one of the victims from reporting the crime to authorities, but that charge will be dismissed as part of the agreement, prosecutors said.
Edwards held the rank of bishop in the Menifee ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is an unordained and volunteer position. Church officials have said Edwards was removed from that post once they learned of the allegations against him.
George Kramer, a spokesman for the church, said in a written statement that the church community was “very saddened” by the admission, the Riverside Press-Enterprise reported.
He said the church has “zero tolerance for any such conduct,” adding that “we fully support the legal proceedings surrounding Mr. Edwards’ criminal prosecution and subsequent conviction. Our primary concern is for the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the victims involved.”
6. Roe JW 142 v. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints et al
California Central District Court
Judge: Kenly Kiya Kato
Referred: Sheri Pym
Case #: 5:24-cv-02150
Nature of Suit 360 Torts - Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury
Cause 28:1441 Notice of Removal - Personal Injury
Case Filed: Oct 08, 2024
Case in other court: Riverside Superior Court, Historic Courthouse, CVRI2405002Docket
Parties (5)
NewsDocket last updated: 01/07/2025 11:59 PM PST
Thursday, December 26, 2024
35 notice Deficiency in Filed Documents (G-112A) - optional html form Thu 12/26 12:59 PM
NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronic Filed Document RE: Stipulation to Amend/Correct,34 . The following error(s) was/were found: 1. Caption shall indicate how many previous extensions requested. See Judge Kato's Standing Order. 2. Local Rule 11-3.8 title page is missing, incomplete, or incorrect. Incorrect case number on the title page. The correct case number is 5:24-cv-02150-KK-SPx. In response to this notice, the Court may: (1) order an amended or correct document to be filed; (2) order the document stricken; or (3) take other action as the Court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the Court directs you to do so. (aco)
Monday, December 23, 2024
36 2 pgs order Order ~Util - Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings Fri 12/27 11:49 AM
ORDER AMENDING SCHEDULING ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Scheduling Order is amended as follows: Final Pretrial Conference: July 3, 2025, 10:30 a.m. Jury Trial: July 21, 2025, 8:30 a.m. (See document for further information). RE: STIPULATION to Amend Pretrial-Trial Scheduling Order,34 . (aco)
34 stip Amend/Correct Mon 12/23 10:30 AM
STIPULATION to Amend Pretrial-Trial Scheduling Order - form only,19 filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Richmond, Rick)
Att: 1 Proposed Order Amending Scheduling Order
Friday, December 20, 2024
33 order Remand Case to State Court Fri 12/20 10:47 AM
MINUTES (In Chambers) Order DENYING Plaintiff's Motion to Remand [Dkt. 15] by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. For the foregoing reasons, the Court finds Defendants have met their burden to establish minimal diversity and an amount in controversy over $75,000, demonstrating removal is proper. Accordingly, the Court DENIES Plaintiff's Motion to Remand. (See document for further information).; denying15 MOTION to Remand Case to State Court. (aco)
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
32 order Transfer DECLINED-(related case)(CV-34) Thu 12/19 8:57 AM
ORDER RE TRANSFER to this Court's General Order in the Matter of Assignment of Cases and Duties to the District Judges. Related [+] filed. Transfer of case declined by Judge Sunshine Suzanne Sykes, for the reasons set forth on this order. Related Case No. 5:24-cv-02149-SSS(SPx) (ap)
Friday, December 13, 2024
31 misc Objection Fri 12/13 2:57 PM
OBJECTIONS to Notice of Related Case(s),,,,,,,,27 filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Richmond, Rick)
Att: 1 Declaration of Branden Wilson ISO Objection to Plaintiff's Notice of Related Cases
Monday, December 09, 2024
29 attyseal Sealed Document Mon 12/09 2:40 PM
SEALED DOCUMENT Exhibits A, B and C to Declaration of J. Berkenkam re Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand re Objection/Opposition (Motion related),,,,24 , Order on Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal,,28 filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Richmond, Rick)
Att: 1 Exhibit A to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp ISO Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand - UNREDACTED,
Att: 2 Exhibit B to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp ISO Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand - UNREDACTED,
Att: 3 Exhibit C to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp ISO Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand - UNREDACTED
Friday, December 06, 2024
28 2 pgs order Leave to File Document Under Seal Fri 12/06 2:05 PM
ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANTS' APPLICATION TO FILE DOCUMENTS UNDER SEAL REGARDING DEFENDANTS' OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO REMAND [NOTE CHANGES BY COURT] by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. Having considered Defendants' Application to File Documents Under Seal Regarding Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand, finding good cause, and in light of no opposition, the Court hereby GRANTS the Application in its entirety. It is hereby ORDERED that Defendants are granted leave to file the following documents under seal: (See document for further information).; granting21 APPLICATION to file document Regarding Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand under seal. (aco)
27 notice Related Case(s) Fri 12/06 2:00 PM
NOTICE of Related Case(s) filed by Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142. Related Case(s): 5:24-cv-02149-SSS-SP; 5:24-cv-02151-SSS-SHK; 5:24-cv-02356- KK-DTB; 5:24cv02383KKSHK; 8:24-cv-02393-JVS-KES; 8:24-cv-02395- JVS-DFM; 8:24-cv-02406-JWH-ADS; 8:24-cv-02410-JWH-JDE; 2:24-cv-08672- MEMF-E; 2:24-cv-09292-MRA-SK; 2:24- cv-09335-HDV-JPR, 2:24-cv-09350-JFWBFM; 2:24-cv-09361-SPG-RAO; 2:24-cv09516-SPG-JPR; 2:24-cv-09542-GWAGR; 2:24-cv-09543-AB-SK; 2:24-cv09544-FMO-JC; 2:24-cv-10376; 5:24-cv02560; 5:24-cv-02559-DTB(Welling, Lauren)
Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1: Complaint for Case No. 5:24-cv-02149-SSS-SP,
Att: 2 Exhibit Exhibit 2: Complaint for Case No. 5:24-cv-02150-KK-SP,
Att: 3 Exhibit Exhibit 3: Complaint for Case No. 5:24-cv-02151-SSS-SHK,
Att: 4 Exhibit Exhibit 4: Complaint for Case No. 5:24-cv-02356-KK-DTB,
Att: 5 Exhibit Exhibit 5: Complaint for Case No. 5:24cv02383KKSHK,
Att: 6 Exhibit Exhibit 6: Complaint for Case No. 8:24-cv-02393-JVS-KES,
Att: 7 Exhibit Exhibit 7: Complaint for Case No. 8:24-cv-02395-JVS-DFM,
Att: 8 Exhibit Exhibit 8: Complaint for Case No. 8:24-cv-02406-JWH-ADS,
Att: 9 Exhibit Exhibit 9: Complaint for Case No. 8:24-cv-02410-JWH-JDE,
Att: 10 Exhibit Exhibit 10: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-08672-MEMF-E,
Att: 11 Exhibit Exhibit 11: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09292-MRA-SK,
Att: 12 Exhibit Exhibit 12: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09335-HDV-JPR,
Att: 13 Exhibit Exhibit 13: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09350-JFW-BFM,
Att: 14 Exhibit Exhibit 14: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09361-SPG-RAO,
Att: 15 Exhibit Exhibit 15: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09516-SPG-JPR,
Att: 16 Exhibit Exhibit 16: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09542-GW-AGR,
Att: 17 Exhibit Exhibit 17: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09543-AB-SK,
Att: 18 Exhibit Exhibit 18: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-09544-FMO-JC,
Att: 19 Exhibit Exhibit 19: Complaint for Case No. 2:24-cv-10376,
Att: 20 Exhibit Exhibit 20: Complaint for Case No. 5:24-cv-02560,
Att: 21 Exhibit Exhibit 21: Complaint for Case No. 5:24-cv-02559-DTB
Thursday, December 05, 2024
26 textonly Text Only Scheduling Notice Thu 12/05 5:15 PM
(IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato: The Court finds Plaintiff's Motion to Remand Case [Dkt. 15] appropriate for resolution without oral argument. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 78; L.R. 7-15. Accordingly, the hearing set for December 12, 2024 is hereby VACATED and the matter is taken under submission. IT IS SO ORDERED. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (npo)
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
25 11 pgs respm Reply (Motion related) Tue 11/26 7:33 PM
REPLY PLAINTIFFS REPLY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO REMAND NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Remand Case to Riverside Superior Court15 filed by Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142. (Welling, Lauren)
Thursday, November 21, 2024
24 respm Objection/Opposition (Motion related) Thu 11/21 9:44 PM
OPPOSITION In Opposition re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Remand Case to Riverside Superior Court15 filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Richmond, Rick)
Att: 1 3 pgs Declaration of A. Calderon ISO Opposition,
Att: 2 10 pgs Exhibit A to Declaration of A. Calderon ISO Opposition,
Att: 3 15 pgs Exhibit B to Declaration of A. Calderon ISO Opposition,
Att: 4 4 pgs Declaration of J. Berkenkamp ISO Opposition,
Att: 5 Exhibit Exhibit A to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp ISO Opposition [REDACTED],
Att: 6 Exhibit Exhibit B to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp ISO Opposition [REDACTED],
Att: 7 Exhibit Exhibit C to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp ISO Opposition [REDACTED],
Att: 8 7 pgs Declaration of B. Wilson ISO Opposition,
Att: 9 4 pgs Exhibit A to Declaration of B. Wilson ISO Opposition,
Att: 10 6 pgs Exhibit B to Declaration of B. Wilson ISO Opposition,
Att: 11 8 pgs Exhibit C to Declaration of B. Wilson ISO Opposition,
Att: 12 5 pgs Exhibit D to Declaration of B. Wilson ISO Opposition,
Att: 13 2 pgs Proposed Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion to Remand Case to State Court
22 attyseal Sealed Declaration in Support Thu 11/21 8:19 PM
SEALED DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION to file document Regarding Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand under seal21 filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Richmond, Rick)
Att: 1 Exhibit A to Declaration of Jeffrey Berkenkamp ISO Defendants' Application to File Documents Under Seal Re Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand - UNREDACTED,
Att: 2 Exhibit B to Declaration of Jeffrey Berkenkamp ISO Defendants' Application to File Documents Under Seal Re Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand - UNREDACTED,
Att: 3 Exhibit C to Declaration of Jeffrey Berkenkamp ISO Defendants' Application to File Documents Under Seal Re Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand - UNREDACTED
21 motion Leave to File Document Under Seal Thu 11/21 7:24 PM
APPLICATION to file document Regarding Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand under seal filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Richmond, Rick)
Att: 1 1 pgs Exhibit A to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp - REDACTED,
Att: 2 1 pgs Exhibit B to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp - REDACTED,
Att: 3 1 pgs Exhibit C to Declaration of J. Berkenkamp - REDACTED,
Att: 4 Declaration of Andrew C. Calderon ISO Defendants' Application to File Documents Under Seal Re Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand,
Att: 5 Proposed Order Granting Defendants' Application to File Documents Under Seal Re Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand
Monday, November 18, 2024
20 order Order/Referral to ADR (No 3) (Private Mediator) (ADR-12) Mon 11/18 11:12 AM
ORDER/REFERRAL to ADR Procedure No 3 by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. Case ordered to a private mediator based upon a stipulation of the parties or by the court order. ADR Proceeding to be held no later than 3/20/2025. (npo)
19 order Pretrial-Trial Scheduling Order - form only Mon 11/18 11:11 AM
CIVIL TRIAL SCHEDULING ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. Amended Pleadings due by 12/5/2024. Discovery cut-off 1/23/2025. Motions due by 3/20/2025. Last date to conduct settlement conference is 3/20/2025. Final Pretrial Conference set for 4/3/2025 10:30 AM before Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. Jury Trial set for 4/21/2025 08:30 AM before Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. (npo)
Friday, November 15, 2024
18 textonly Text Only Scheduling Notice Fri 11/15 1:50 PM
SCHEDULING NOTICE AND ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato: The Scheduling Conference set for 11/21/2024, is hereby VACATED. The Court will issue a separate trial scheduling order setting forth a trial schedule. IT IS SO ORDERED. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (npo)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
17 misc Report Tue 11/12 2:07 PM
CORRECTED JOINT FED. R. CIV. P. 26(f) REPORT of WITH PROPOSED SCHEDULE filed by Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142. (Welling, Lauren)
16 textonly Generic Text Only Entry Tue 11/12 1:51 PM
NOTICE AND ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato: The Court is in receipt of the parties' Joint Rule 26(f) report. Dkt. 14. However, counsel did not attach the schedule of pretrial dates. The Court orders the parties to submit the schedule by November 13, 2024. Failure to do so will result in sanctions. IT IS SO ORDERED. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (npo)
Thursday, November 07, 2024
15 motion Remand Case to State Court Thu 11/07 9:15 PM
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Remand Case to Riverside Superior Court filed by Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142. Motion set for hearing on 12/12/2024 at 09:30 AM before Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. (Welling, Lauren)
Att: 1 Memorandum of Points and Authorities,
Att: 2 Declaration,
Att: 3 Exhibit 1,
Att: 4 Exhibit 2,
Att: 5 Exhibit 3,
Att: 6 Exhibit 4,
Att: 7 Proposed Order
14 misc Report Thu 11/07 7:41 PM
JOINT FED. R. CIV. P. 26(f) REPORT filed by Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142. (Welling, Lauren)
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Wednesday, October 09, 2024
11 order Initial Order Setting R26 Scheduling Conference - form only Wed 10/09 4:29 PM
ORDER SETTING SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. Scheduling Conference set for 11/21/2024 at 10:00 AM before Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. (npo)
10 order Initial Order upon Filing of Complaint - form only Wed 10/09 3:55 PM
CIVIL STANDING ORDER by Judge Kenly Kiya Kato. (npo)
9 notice Notice to Counsel Re: Consent to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge - optional html form Wed 10/09 1:55 PM
Notice to Counsel Re Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge. (lh)
8 adr Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program (ADR-8) - optional html form Wed 10/09 1:54 PM
7 notice Notice of Assignment to United States Judges (CV-18) - optional html form Wed 10/09 1:54 PM
NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Kenly Kiya Kato and Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym. (lh)
6 transfer Intradistrict Transfer - Clerical Error (G-73) - optional html form Wed 10/09 1:50 PM
NOTICE RE INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFER by Clerk of Court due to incorrect intra-district venue selected by the filer. Case is transferred to the Eastern Division. Case has been assigned to Judge Kenly Kiya Kato for all further proceedings. Any matters that may be referred to a Magistrate Judge are assigned to Sheri Pym. New Case Number 5:24-cv-02150 KK (SPx). (lh)
Tuesday, October 08, 2024
5 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Andrew Emilio Calderon counsel for Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Adding Andrew E. Calderon as counsel of record for Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah corporation sole, and Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah nonprofit corporation for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah corporation sole, and Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah nonprofit corporation. (Attorney Andrew Emilio Calderon added to party The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(pty:dft), Attorney Andrew Emilio Calderon added to party Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(pty:dft))(Calderon, Andrew)
4 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Rick Lloyd Richmond counsel for Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Adding Rick Richmond as counsel of record for Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah corporation sole, and Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah nonprofit corporation for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah corporation sole, and Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah nonprofit corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
3 CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, identifying The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a nonprofit corporation; Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a nonprofit corporation. (Richmond, Rick)
2 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Richmond, Rick)
1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Riverside Superior Court, Historic Courthouse, case number CVRI2405002 Receipt No: ACACDC-38364884 - Fee: $405, filed by Defendants Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (Attorney Rick Lloyd Richmond added to party The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(pty:dft), Attorney Rick Lloyd Richmond added to party Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(pty:dft))(Richmond, Rick)
Att: 1 Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal of Civil Action to the United States District Court for the Central District of California,
Att: 2 Exhibit A to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 3 Exhibit B to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 4 Exhibit C to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 5 Exhibit D to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 6 Exhibit E to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 7 Exhibit F to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 8 Exhibit G to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 9 Exhibit H to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal,
Att: 10 Exhibit I to Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Notice of Removal
cmp Complaint - (Discovery) Wed 10/09 1:58 PM
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF COMPLAINT against Defendants Does, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The Menifee California Stake. Jury Demanded, filed by Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142. (FILED IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 9/6/2024 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO NOTICE OF REMOVAL1 ) (lh)
answer Answer to Complaint (Discovery) Wed 10/09 2:01 PM
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF ANSWER to Complaint, filed by Defendants The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Temple Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (FILED IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 10/04/2024 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO NOTICE OF REMOVAL1 )(lh)
service Service of Summons and Complaint Returned Executed (21 days) Wed 10/09 2:04 PM
CONFORMED FILED COPY OF PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Executed by Plaintiff Jane Roe JW 142, upon Defendant The Menifee California Stake served on 9/15/2024, answer due 10/7/2024. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Cyrus Price, Authorized to Accept Service in compliance with California Code of Civil Procedure by personal service. (FILED IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ON 9/18/2024 SUBMITTED ATTACHED TO NOTICE OF REMOVAL1 ) (lh)
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