Our Mormon sex abuse database is tracking hundreds of public instances of sex crimes allegedly perpetrated by LDS church leaders or members. Here are few related events from 2022:
- January – former BYU professor charged with additional counts of sexual abuse
- April – Former bishop is sentenced for sexual abuse
- June – former LDS primary teacher pleads guilty to sexually abusing a girl from his ward
- August – Former Utah state trooper, an alleged sexual abuser, dies
- August – Major AP News story about Arizona sex abuse case and alleged Mormon church coverup
- August – Key ruling regarding $250 million proposed payment by LDS church in Boy Scouts case
- August – San Diego LDS church coverup story told by sexual abuse victims (daughters of the accused)
- September – former San Francisco Bay Area lawyer charged with additional child sex crimes
- September – former LDS bishop and West Bountiful, UT mayor arrested on accusations of child sexual abuse
- September – former Utah Assistant Attorney General arrested on child pornography charges
- September – First public arrest made in Utah ritualistic abuse investigation
- November – former elders quorum president sentenced to 30 years in prison for child sexual abuse
- November – former Church website music composer sentenced to at least 25 years in prison for sexually abusing preteen girls
- December – former city councilman signs plea agreement indicating he will admit to lawd conduct with a minor
- December – former scout leader sentenced to 12 to 20 years in prison for child sexual assault
Here’s to a shorter list in 2023! Let us know if we missed any big stories for this year’s list!